#NowFollowing: 8 *2SLGTBQIA+ activists and storytellers you need to check out

As we celebrate Pride Month this June, Media Profile is committed to actively highlighting and uplifting *2SLGTBQIA+ voices, recognizing the importance of representation and celebrating diverse experiences and perspectives. Social media offers a groundbreaking platform for its users to authentically share their stories and talents with broad audiences. What better way to kick off our Now Following series than by spotlighting some of Canada's top *2SLGTBQIA+ activists and storytellers?

Jamie Pandit - @justjamiep

A South-Asian-Canadian content creator, Jamie Pandit shares her unique experiences, journey and perspectives as a trans woman of colour through her online presence. Jamie creates beauty, fashion and comedic content, all while addressing important topics related to her identity and educating her followers.

Myles Sexton - @mylessexton

Myles Sexton is a Canadian model, stylist, makeup artist and HIV/AIDS and sobriety activist. Their visually stunning feed showcases fashionable outfits and serves as a platform to challenge and deconstruct long-standing gender constructs. Myles uses their online presence to fight the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS and sexual health by openly sharing their journey.

Two Moms in Motion - @twomomsinmotion

Morgan Sinclair and Alejandra Castellanos are the parenting duo behind Two Moms in Motion. In three short years, they've amassed over 120K followers by sharing their love and journey of becoming same-sex parents. They use their platform as a photo album for their family while offering advice, tips and insights into raising a family in an inclusive and loving environment.

Erica Hill - @ericahill

Erica made her debut on Big Brother Canada season 6. As a proud member of the *2SLGTBQIA+ community, she continues to inspire her fans to live authentically and harness their power daily. Erica is known for her impeccable sense of style, and alongside girlfriend @catcchey, her followers can always expect a daily dose of fun, positivity and all-around good vibes.

Mike Rizzi - @mikerizzi

Mike Rizzi is a Canadian filmmaker and *2SLGTBQIA+ advocate. By sharing diverse voices and stories, his social channel features content that explores various aspects of the queer experience, including coming out, relationships and mental health.

Allie and Sam - @allieandsam

Allie and Sam, a Canadian *2SLGTBQIA+ couple, use their platform to share their travel adventures, love stories, challenges and diverse experiences. Recently, they have taken their followers along on their IVF journey, resulting in the birth of their twin boys!

Lemon - @lemongivesyoulife

Lemon is a Canadian drag queen and performer most known for competing on the first season of Canada's Drag Race and later on the first season of RuPaul's Drag Race: UK vs. the World. Check Lemon out defying convention in our Prisoner Wine campaign from last fall.

Tynomi Banks - @tynomibanks

Tynomi Banks is an internationally acclaimed drag entertainer known for her captivating and high-energy performances. She has achieved several significant milestones in her career, including being the first drag entertainer to perform in Toronto's Dundas Square during World Pride 2014 and making history as the trophy bearer at the Canadian Screen Awards. Check out Tynomi in last year's Google Pixel 6 launch campaign.

This list is just a start, and we have a lot more where it came from. Members of the *2SLGTBQIA+ community have paved the way for so many of us, with the impacts of their work touching a wide range of spaces—from arts and culture to social justice and politics. Is there anyone you'd add to this list? Drop us a line and let us know, plus stay tuned for future installments of our #NowFollowing series!

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